Monday, April 28, 2014

Transportation Printable

(No longer available) 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Let's Plant Seeds Printable

Children love to watch plants grow!  This printable is  for the student to match what they are observing each time frame in the growth process.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Zoo Printable (Redone)

I am sure you have noticed I am redoing a lot of my earlier printables. There are a couple reasons, one is I have gotten better at using graphics and the second reason being I understand how cost efficient it is to not use colored ink. The black/ white pages are excellent resource for centers, and parents enjoy seeing their child's progress.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pond Printable for Toddlers

This printable consists of larger cards for the younger child to master fine motor skills. I am trying to change up the sizing, to see if it assist teachers with the toddler age.  Any feedback and ratings are very appreciated Thank you, Gwyn

Vocabulary Cards

Number Cards 1-12

Trace the words.